Message from the President
Masahide MorikawaPresident and Representative DirectorEver since our company’s founding in 1955, it has gone through a wide range of changes.
From our original business—the manufacture of gauges—we have now evolved so much that our signature product today is hydraulic and pneumatic equipment.
It is thanks to the combination of connections, assistance, and efforts, on the part of the local community, our customers, our business partners, and our employees both past and present, that we are still here today.I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all those who have supported us over the years.
Regardless of the changing times, we have “responded by hook or by crook” (a phrase we use as a compliment around the office) to our customers’ requests and expectations, and, as a result, we have been able to carry on our relationships with our customers and have acquired knowledge, insight, and skills “to be gained through action.” This knowledge, this insight, and these skills... they are our pride and our happiness.
Our unchanging concept in the manufacturing of products is that “high precision is the pursuit of a fundamental principle.”“Building products is building people”: we want our employees to mature as individuals as a result of their mastery of technology and skills.That is our goal in personnel training, and it is our unchanging desire.
“Change what should be changed, and keep what should be kept”: that is my unchanging mission as our third president, to aim to become an everlasting company.
While we are in the relatively rural prefecture of Kagawa, moreover in the suburban area of Miki, I hope that we will continue to be a company that is needed.I want us to continue striving toward being the type of company that we hope to be.
We hope that we can rely on your continued guidance!